EN3155 Contacts

With the addition of Tri-Star Electronics International, Amphenol CIT remains dedicated to providing our customers with innovative, high quality, cost-effective interconnect products. By combining the latest computerized automation with precision manufacturing techniques, we are able to manufacture contacts more efficiently, more precisely, less expensively and with more uniformity and reliability than anyone else. Our state of the art automation is designed, built and operated here at Amphenol CIT/Tri-Star with many processes not duplicated anywhere else in the industry. This has resulted in superior quality contacts, including EN3155 specification contacts, and a sharp reduction in manufacturing costs due to a reduction of direct labor.

We offer EN3155 contacts in a variety of types to meet your requirements including:

  • Crimp Contacts
  • PC Tail Contacts
  • Coaxial, Twinax & Triax
  • Thermocouple Contacts
  • Solder Cup & Wire Wrap
  • Custom EN3155 Contacts
  • Both Pin and Socket Styles Available

For more specifications on our EN3155 contacts and to see our contact selection guide, view our EN3155 product brochure with a complete list of all our contacts. Also, view our EN3155 contact distributor inventory.


EN Spec Number Tri-Star Part Number Style Contact Size Wire Barrel Size
EN3155-019F2020 218-2020-088 Socket 20 20
EN3155-003F1614 218-1614-907 Socket 16 14
EN3155-005F2018 218-2018-088-RR Socket 20 18
EN3155-009F2018 218-20SP-139 Socket 20 18
EN3155-017F1216 218-1216-634 Socket 12 16
EN3155-019F2022 218-2022-788 Socket 20 22
EN3155-003F1616 218-1616-107 Socket 16 16
EN3155-005F2020 218-2020-088-RR Socket  20  20
EN3155-009F2020 218-2020-139 Socket  20  20


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EN3155 product brochure

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To inquire about EN3155 Contacts available from Amphenol CIT, please fill out the form below, and one of our Sales Engineers will contact you.

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