
Testing and Field Services

Amphenol CIT provides a variety of test kits, test facilities, and field support resources in support of our products. Contact us if you have special requirements or would like a customized test configuration tailored to your product and field support needs.

Fiber Optic Test & Inspection Kits

Amphenol CIT offers complete testing kits with Amphenol CIT Fiber Optic Test Assemblies, Fiber Interface Cleaning Supplies and Test Instrumentation. We consult with you to build testing kits tailored to their application, and can offer fully self-contained testing kits with Insertion Loss Test Kits, Visual Inspection Video Scopes, Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers (OTDRs), Optical Backscatter Reflectometers (OBRs) and other test devices.

Amphenol CIT produces a full line of fiber optic test assemblies that can be used to connect fiber channels (DUTs) to test equipment interfaces. Often called Aerospace Measurement Quality Jumpers (AMQJs), Gold Cables or Reference Cables Amphenol CIT test assemblies are custom designed and built to interface with any device to be tested and offer very low insertion loss, precision finished connector end-faces along with durable and flexible cabling. Our test harnesses simulate interfacing equipment connections to provide the most accurate testing results and are built for precision testing in the lab, on the tarmac and anywhere in-between.

Amphenol CIT can provide test equipment appropriate to quantify fiber optic harness/installation performance and provide advanced diagnostic tools for fault detection and characterization in complex installations, or in scenarios where only one end of the channel is available for test interfacing.

  • Multimode and Singlemode insertion loss meters (benchtop or handheld units) with wavelengths of 660/850/1310/1550 nanometers
  • Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)
  • Backscatter Meters
  • Reflectance Meters

Amphenol CIT also will help you select and provide instruments for visual inspection of connector end-faces and basic fault detection:

  • Visual LASER light sources
  • Video Scopes - Handheld or Benchtop

Amphenol CIT offers a full line of Sticklers® fiber optic cleaning products for all common termini types. These easy-to-use products are perfect for technicians in the field or inside a factory. We can help you select the appropriate cleaning products tailored for your kit.

  • Non-aerosol cleaning fluids
  • Lint-free cleaning pads
  • Fiber interface cleaning swabs
  • Sized for all standard connector/contact sizes

Product Qualification & Testing

Static Structural Testing

  • Custom fixtures
  • Hydraulic loading
  • Automated data collection

Dynamic Structural Testing

  • 8,000 lb-force (35 kN) vibration test system
  • Full range of vibration tests supported

Other In-House Testing

  • Air Flow, Distribution, Leakage and Cooling
  • Acoustic Noise Generation
  • Smoke Containment and Smoke Detection
  • Mechanical Reliability and Endurance
  • Electrical Interconnect and Signature
  • Hi Pot, Insulation Resistance and Bonding

Vibration & Shock Testing

Amphenol CIT offers Vibration and Mechanical Shock Testing to provide insight into how a product will behave when in service. The type of test and intensity depend on the application and location of the product.

Customer Product Training

Amphenol CIT wants every customer to be successful using the products we deliver. Contact us if you need assistance training your personnel on the proper use of a Amphenol CIT product or would like to have an innovation workshop to identify ways Amphenol CIT could provide an even better product for your specialized application.

On-site Technical Support Services

Things go wrong and things change. No matter how carefully products are engineered, tested and planned sooner or later it will be necessary to perform service or change a configuration for a product that is already outside of the factory. For the more complex integrated assemblies and kits produced by Amphenol CIT, skilled technicians are available to support field troubleshooting, conversion, and servicing when it becomes needed.  Contact us to find out more or to discuss options for your specific need.

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